
Volunteering Work

Year 2016:
May 4, organized by Youth League of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, the large clinical volunteer activity by young physicians on the theme of " gift for Youth Day" was held in the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Qian Xuesen Library Plaza. Five young doctors from the department of otorhinolaryngology-head and neck surgery, dermatology, rehabilitation medicine, geriatrics and ophthalmology of our hospital participated in this activity and spent the "May Fourth" Youth Day by public volunteer work and social dedication.
"I am responsible for the treatment, and you are responsible for believing," Zhang Zhihua, secretary of the Communist Youth League of our hospital, deputy chief physician in the department of otorhinolaryngology-head and neck surgery, said that doctors need to give patients a sense of trust, with a benign face, a kind smile but not a rigid face.

July 1, three young physicians from our hospital, Xu Chenhua from the department of cardiovascular medicine, Yu Xia from the department of dermatology, Shu Yijun from the department of general surgery came to the service center of Jiangpu subdistrict for the volunteer clinical work and health education to residents, which received high praises. They provided service to nearly 80 persons in just two hours. Three young doctors also left messages on "what I want to say to Party" message column to express the most beautiful blessing for the Party, illustrating the theoretical and practical issues of party building in the ninetieth anniversary for CPC founding with their own actual action.

Year 2015:
Launch a series of volunteer activities to celebrate Children’s Day on June 1.

Medical Social Work Department, Safe Kids Worldwide, and Shanghai Tong Fu Xiang Automobile Trade Co., Ltd. jointly launch the charitable activity entitled “Growing-up Safe - Prevent Accidental Injury to Children”. Some 30 volunteers from hospitals, Shanghai Polytechnic University, and Shanghai Subway Line 8, are organized to post cartoon stickers for the newly-built wards, together with little kids. In the meantime, Mr. Sun Kun, President of our hospital, and the heads of relevant functional departments also come to pediatric wards to deliver gifts and greetings to the hospitalized children. On the afternoon of June 1, a magic piano story concert is performed in the Lecture Hall of Science and Education Building of our hospital. The Youth League Committee and Trade Union of our hospital specifically invite the volunteers from Baby Mozart Music Hall to jointly make a different Children’s Day for the sick children and the babies of hospital staff. They build a platform of parent-child communication for general healthcare workers to “Celebrate Children’s Day”. Some 60 pediatric patients and the children of hospital staff take part in the story concert, accompanied by their parents. The Youth League Committee of our hospital and the teachers of the music hall all together have prepared some souvenirs for the children, such as stationeries and Mimi Music package.

“Health Express” brings health service to community

The Youth League Committee of Xinhua Hospital drives “Health Express” service to community for the purpose to disseminate the philosophy of healthy, civilized and scientific life to residents, improve the public’s awareness and capability of self-healthcare, and meanwhile further aggrandize the volunteerism of “dedication, friendship, mutual aid, and progress” in the entire hospital and the surrounding area. These efforts will make positive contribution to the building of harmonious hospital and harmonious doctor-patient relationship. During the period of Respect for the Aged Day, 10 medical experts of our hospital come to Xiangyang Park to provide charity service “Sincere Care for the Aged & Serve the Society”. This activity attracts almost 100 citizens to ask for advice, which further highlights the good heritage of respecting and caring for old people, and reflects the virtues of medical workers.

Fighting high temperature in summer.

In active response to the call of Party Committee of our hospital regarding good preparedness for the upcoming hot summer, and to carry forward the volunteerism of no fear of hardship or tiredness, just like the volunteers in 2014 hot summer, on the afternoon of July 3, the Youth League Committee of our Hospital convenes the volunteer representatives of 25 youth league branches to participate in the relevant training for fighting the upcoming hot summer days. The Youth League Committee formally initiates the volunteer activity of fighting high temperature this year on July 13. A total of 150 person-times have been enrolled for volunteer service. The volunteers are available to provide two-month services for the public at adult emergency room, pediatric sympathetic clinic, and emergency laboratory services. Specifically, the service includes the following: 1. Assist the triage nurse to monitor vital signs of patients presenting to emergency room; 2. Help keep the order of healthcare service at peak time, and meanwhile make efforts to deliver corresponding health education; 3. Actively cooperate with the triage nurse to guide the patients to correct doctors’ office; 4. Direct the patients in terms of the way and idea of seeking medical help, and answer questions and solve problems to provide convenience to patients. The WeChat public number “Xinhua Youth Action” of Xinhua Hospital Youth League Committee simultaneously releases the precautions and information for the patients seeking medical help during hot summer to help the patients reasonably arrange their time to see a doctor to avoid inappropriate waiting and invalid action during peak time.

Year 2014:
The 2013 work meeting of Communist Youth League and commendation meeting of outstanding volunteers was held, attended by more than 40 people including Deputy Party Secretary Gu Qijing, Deputy Chairman of Labor Union Xiao Bin, committee members of CYL, League branch secretaries and outstanding volunteers.

Sending Yunnan-aiding volunteers is a tradition of our hospital. In June, Shanghai Spiritual Civilization Office and Shanghai CYL called for the 17th batch of youth volunteers to undertake medical service in poverty-stricken areas in Yunnan. Actively responding to the call, many young doctors signed up to dedicate their knowledge and energy. Dr. Sheng Xujun from Urology department was appointed as our hospital’s volunteer and set out for Yunnan in early August.

On March 2nd, the 21st large-sale free clinic of Shanghai new medical stars and Learn-from-Lei Feng volunteer activity was held in 889 Plaza of Jingan, which was co-organized by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning, Party Committee of Jingan District, Shanghai CYL and Shanghai Medical Union. Dr. Wei Hongxia of Pediatric Internal Medicine and Dr. Shen Dihua of Pediatric Surgery participated in the activity. With 21 years’ history, this free clinic activity has won public praise in Shanghai.

On March 8th, cooperated with “Jiangpu Star” young volunteers, our hospital set up a service platform at the station hall of Metro Line 8 Jiangpu Road and held a volunteer service activity themed as “caring for women’s health”. Dr. Jiang Li of Gynecology department and Dr. Wei Jie of Stomatology Department provided free exam for female passengers, making careful disease consultation and patient response to all kinds of health problems. Volunteers from School of Clinical Medicine provided free blood measurement and health brochures.

On March 19, the “Health Express” came to Jianxin Neighbourhood of Wujiaochang Community and popularized knowledge for prevention and treatment of chronic kidney diseases. Dr. Li Huilin of Nephrology department delivered a lecture which attracted nearly 70 residents.

On Sept 14, to further consolidate the practice of Party's mass line education and achievements of 2013 National large free clinic activities, and to set up a system of medical health and family planning to people’s satisfaction, our hospital actively responded to the call of National and Shanghai Health and Family Planning Commission, and held a large-scale free clinic activity at Patient Service Center.

On Sept 25, more than 30 young medical staff went to Shanghai Blood Center Yangpu Branch to donate their blood. To promote blood donation and carry forward selfless dedication of medical staff, over 140 hospital staff donated blood to show their caring for patients and to prove the concept that scientific blood donation is harmless to health.

On Dec 5, the International Volunteer Day, hospital CYL and department of medical social work, together with party branch of Yangpu District Federation of the Disabled and party committee of Yinhang community Gongnongnxincun Neighbourhood, held a community free clinic activity. Experts from Endocrinology, General Surgery, Orthopedics, Cardiology and Rehabilitation Medicine went to Gongnongsancun Neighbourhood, provided medical consultation, measured bone density and blood pressure. Their patient diagnosis and treatment was warmly welcomed by elderly people. This activity carried forward the spirit of respecting and caring the old people and reflected the good ethics of medical workers.

Year 2013:
Jan. 12 The 2012 work meeting of Communist Youth League and commendation meeting of outstanding volunteers was held in the science and education building. The convention summed up the work in 2012 and prospected the work in the new year. 70 outstanding volunteers were awarded.

March 4 The volunteering team of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine went to Mudan Village and Wu Long Village of Zhujing Town to carry out activity of “sending medical service to countryside”. Dr. Yang Jieying from Cardiology department participated in this activity, providing free clinic service and handed out free medicines for Korean War veterans, which received praise and welcome from residents of Zhujing Town.

March 5 Eight volunteers went to Siping Community and provided medical consultation for residents. They measured blood pressure and gave away health materials to improve their awareness of health and self-care.

March 10 The 20th large-scale free clinic of Shanghai new medical stars was held in Tianlin Community Cultural Center of Xuhui District. Dr. Zhao Dongying from pediatrics department and Dr. Pan Weihua from pediatric surgery department participated in this activity. 20 medical experts who has repeatedly participated in this activity, including Prof. Sun Kun and Prof. Cai Wei, were awarded a Special Contribution Memorial Trophy in recognition of their outstanding contributions.

May 3 Co-cooperated with working committee of Jiangpu Youth League, Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Co. Youth League and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Yangpu Branch Youth League, the hospital held “May 4th” youth volunteer service activities. Volunteers from Geriatrics, Continuing Education and school of clinical medicine provided more than 100 citizen free blood measure, medical consultation, medical science popularization. 200 health brochures were handed out in one morning.

June 25 Members of administrative youth league branch took part in volunteering activity of transportation civilization at the intersection of Kongjiang Rd and Jiangpu Rd. The volunteers waved flags to help maintain traffic order, directed ways for patients, publicized the concept of "civilized travel with courtesy and order" concept, and dissuaded uncivilized behavior.

June 29 Volunteers from endocrinology department, emergency department and school of clinical medicine participated in the “July 1 convenient service activities” organized by Jiangpulu Community, providing medical consultation and measuring blood pressure for residents.

June 5 Dr. Ge Wensong from Gastroenterology department, Dr. Huang Xuehua from Pain Clinic and Dr. Wang Fei from Geriatrics department went to Culture Activity Center of Dongping Town, Chongming and participated the volunteering service co-organized by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning, Shanghai Communist Youth League, Shanghai Youth Federation, Shanghai Youth Federation of Medicine and Health, providing free clinic service for local workers and community residents.

July 15 The youth volunteer activity against high temperature in summer launched. Lasting two months, this activity recruited 150 person/time volunteers. “Health School” activity was carried out in cooperation with Wujiaochang Community and Jiangpulu Community. In the heated summer, the volunteers carried out health education and health counseling, measured blood pressure, popularized measures of basic first aid, and brought health knowledge to community residents.

Oct. 19 Experts from neurology, general surgery, geriatrics, orthopedics and endocrinology went to Hudong Nursing Home and provided high-quality medical service, which was warmly welcomed by elderly people. This activity carried forward the spirit of respecting and caring the old people and reflected the good ethics of medical workers.

Year 2012:

January12th, The 2011 work meeting of Communist Youth League and commendation meeting of outstanding volunteers was held in the lecture hall of science and education building. The convention summed up the work in 2011 and prospected the work in the new year. 82 outstanding volunteers were awarded. March 5th, March 5th is the annual day of "learn from Lei Feng ".

In order to carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng and put the activity of “learn from Lei Feng” to a deeper level, the Communist Youth League of Xinhua Hospital organized the volunteers from all branches to carry out series of events of “the month of learning from Lei Feng”. On the afternoon of 6th March, the youth volunteers from Department of Geriatrics and the College of Clinical Medicine came to the Jiangpu community, to provide medical service for disabled old people, by giving out convenient guide medical card and brochures about health knowledge of prevention and treatment of common diseases in spring, measuring blood pressure and provide medical consultation.

On March 2nd, 3rd, 10th, 16th, 17th, and 30th, the volunteers from College of Clinical Medicine went to different districts of Siping and Jiangpu community and university for old people, to measure fasting blood glucose free of charge for the residents over 45 years old and members of the older university, letting them early know and early prevent. They also measured their circumference, waist circumference, height, weight to make them know their own body proportions, surveyed their dietary structure to provide nutritional health consultation and give out nutrition and health publicity materials.

July16th, The Youth volunteer activity against high temperature in summer officially launched. Lasting two months, this activity recruited 162 person/time volunteers. In addition to the service work at the reception desk set up in adult emergency building, the volunteers were arranged to promote the registration appointment to the patients in the department of Dermatology and pediatric transfusion room, keep the order. Meanwhile, different branches of Youth League were motivated to collect and collate introduction, basic nursing care and prevention of common diseases during summer high temperature. They made PPT elaborately and used the platform of “Xinhua TV” to make PPT rolling broadcast on the big screen in the Emergency Hall, which can alleviate the patients’ anxious emotion during their waiting, and transmit the health science knowledge to the patients in the most straightforward way as well.

September 20th, September 20th is the 24th national teeth care day with the theme of “Oral health, happy family; Taking care of yourself, protection of periodontal”. The youth volunteers from Stomatology Department brought the oral health knowledge to the kindergarten. By using props, they let the children understand tooth structure and how to brush their teeth. They also checked the mouth of the children. At present, people at all ages, especially children, have misunderstanding of oral care. It is very important to spread dental health knowledge.

September 21st, The hospital carried out the activity of “voluntary blood donation, our hearts linking together”. The Youth League enhanced the atmosphere of propaganda and mobilized volunteers to participate in voluntary blood donation. A total of 142 medical personnel were involved in the compulsory free blood donation.

September 28th, The youth volunteers from College of Clinical Medicine came to the first neighborhood committee of Anshansichun to provide services, including measurement of blood pressure and health consultation for the residents, in order that they could provide conveniences for the residents with their humble efforts.

October 23rd, In order to carry out service work of volunteering work, improve the understanding of our hospital by volunteers outside the hospital, and enhance the quality of volunteer service, Youth League held medical guide training activities for volunteers outside the hospital, and a systematic training for the volunteers from Fudan University of Medicine. The volunteers from Fudan University would carry out medical services in the service center of our hospital on every Tuesday and Friday.

Year 2011:

March 5 The Volunteer team went to Gong Nong Xin Cun School in Yangpu District to provide free physical exam to over 100 children of migrant workers. The exam included items as height, weight, eyesight, heart and lung function, spine, limbs, and mouth, etc.

May 4 The Youth Volunteer Team of our hospital signed an agreement with the Youth Volunteer Team of the fourth Shanghai Metro Operation Co., Ltd. They also imparted emergency medical measures to station staff.

May 10 Youth Volunteer Team went to Shanghai University of Finance, popularizing scientific knowledge of disaster prevention and mitigation and providing free medical consultation.

July 11 Volunteer activities began in the heating season. Convenient service desks were set up at triage of emergency building where volunteers introduced appointment register to patients, so as to improve the proportion of specialist out-patient appointment, reduce intermediate links and queuing time.

Aug 22 Xiang Weiyi, the survivor of the deadly July 23 train crash in Wenzhou, was transferred from the Second Hospital of Wenzhou Medical School to our hospital. Under the unified arrangement of Party Committee, a volunteer team composed of professional medical staff was set up immediately to accompany the little girl and provide psychological counseling from 9 am to 5 pm every day.

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